Soak your pet with warm water for 2-3 minutes to wet the fur thoroughly. Avoid the eyes when applying shampoo. Apply the shampoo to the head and ears first, then lather. Repeat for the neck, chest, middle, and hindquarters, finishing with the legs. Let the animal stand for 10 minutes before rinsing thoroughly. For extremely dirty or scaly pets, repeat the procedure. Wash your hands after use. Do not reapply the product for one week.
Storage & Disposal
Store the shampoo in a cool, dry place. If the container is empty, dispose of it in the trash or recycle if possible. For partially filled bottles, contact your local solid waste agency for disposal instructions. Never dispose of unused product in any indoor or outdoor drain.
Symptoms of Fleas
If your dog has flea dirt in their coat, flea eggs on their body or in the environment, or signs like excessive itching, hair loss, scabs, or hot spots, they may have fleas. Other signs to watch for include tapeworms or pale gums.