7 New Years Resolutions For Pet Owners
The start of a new year always brings about thoughts of planning, changing and how to be better at life. Why not this year, the year of the dog (sorry, cats!) include your pet? Here some inspirations:
1. Exercise more
If one of your resolutions is to get in better shape, it only makes sense to include your pet. Go for longer walks, and include your pup on these so you can spend time together.
2. Eat better
If you want to eat better and are making changes to your diet, allow your cat and dog to do the same. While you prepare your better meals, prepare theirs, as well. Upgrade their food or add super foods like carrots, sardines, broccoli, blueberries to it.
3. Explore Lebanon
Did you always think of going on hikes but then never found the time? This year will be different! Lebanon has numerous amazing hiking trails that are waiting to be explore by you and your dog. Feel more comfortable in a group? No problem, a lot of groups offer organized hikes for a small fee. We would like to highlight Tourleb, because they are not only amazing people planning great, dog-friendly hikes but also because their fees include a donation to local animal NGO's.
4. Be more consequent
Do you look at this every day? This is the year you can make it stop by not feeding any table scraps. For that, have a look at our blog on how to stop dogs from begging.
5. Be supportive
We are so proud that many of our members take such active part in improving the situation of animals in Lebanon through personal initiatives or through NGO's. Therefore, our 2023 resolution should be to be as supportive as we can, through adopting, fostering, donating, by properly reporting animal abuse and advocating these values within our communities.
6. Never run out of pet food again
Are you one of those pet owners who remembers they have to buy pet food when the bag is already entirely empty? Maybe we can work together here: Our resolution will be to deliver faster and yours to remember
earlier :)
7. Fight your pet's boredom (and yours!)
Sometimes we all get too caught up in reading things on our phone. While our pets don't have smartphones (yet), they might simply get caught up in lying around and staring at things. Let's all try to be more fun in 2018. Engage in some serious playtime with your pet, get some fun toys or learn some new tricks on youtube.
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