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GimCat Crunchy Pollo Chicken With Rosmery 50g

by Gimcat
Original price $2.29 - Original price $2.29
Original price
$2.29 - $2.29
Current price $2.29

Our Crunchy Snacks offer a perfect combination of valuable protein sources, fruit and herbs, which will convince any gourmet! The recipe is completely free of grains, artificial colors and flavours. Are you looking for a tasty alternative for your cat? A snack he likes? Then we have just the right solution for you and your four-legged friend. Our Crunchy Snacks offer a perfect combination of chicken, a precious protein source, and aromatic rosemary, which will convince any gourmet! But we want to inspire you too, with a recipe completely free of cereals, artificial colors and flavours.

Fast Delivery

Same day delivery in Beirut and up to 2 days outside Beirut.

In store pickup

You can place an order and pick it up from our dispatch center in Achrafieh.

Pay in Cash

You can pay in cash only LBP or USD.

protein 33.0%; Fat content 14.0%; Raw ash 6.0%; Crude fibers 1.8%; Humidity 10.0%

1-2kg: 10pcs per day 3-4kg: 15 pcs per day 4-6kg: 18 pcs per day >6kg: 20 pcs per day

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